8:00 -8:45 am | Greeting time & free exploration
Arrival time is between 8:00 and 8:30am. Children transition from their parents at different rates; we are aware that some may take more time to say goodbye than others. Parents are welcome to join their child outside and complete a puzzle or read a book on the garden stage together. It is important that all children are settled by 8:45 a.m. so we can join together as a community, clean up, and prepare for Morning Circle.
9:00- 9:15 am | Morning circle and snack
Our Morning Circle anchors the day. During Morning Circle, we set the calendar, celebrate birthdays, and offer group lessons on our cultural materials. Within circle time a scheduled monthly rotation allows children to bring something from home to share with the class. Oftentimes children bring in a favorite fresh fruit or vegetable that is incorporated into our food preparation job for their classmates to enjoy.
9:15- 11:00 am | the montessori work period
The uninterrupted work period is fundamental to the Montessori approach, which recognizes and respects individual learning processes. Children choose from a variety of materials in the prepared environment where they can investigate and master concepts in math, language, science, and culture. Children work independently while teachers give individual lessons. Great care is taken to guard the work period so that the children can build coordination skills, concentration, independence, and assimilate information at their own pace.
11:30- 12:00 PM | outside recess
Children enjoy play time outside every day with the exception of rainy days, in which we will play inside gross motor skill games.
12:00- 12:30 PM | lunch
At Art of Montessori we provide a daily hot lunch program based on a delicious whole food menu. Our meals are created with fresh, unprocessed, and non-GMO ingredients. At approximately 12:00 p.m. we come together and get ready for lunch, where teachers and children sit together, practice manners, and share in conversation.
12:30- 2:00 pm | Nap time
After lunch children lay down and get cozy as we read aloud and reflect on our day. Teachers play soothing music while children lay on their mats, typically with a special soft toy or blanket from home.
2:00- 6:00 pm | enrichment program
Our afternoon circle can include any or all of the following: singing, story time, sharing news, discussion of classroom events, development of projects, problem solve, negotiation, resolution of conflict, and the revisitation of our past work. This time is designated for children to play and work in small groups, bake, act, create, enjoy a snack, or visit the atelier. Later in the afternoon, children will gather together to enjoy hot chocolate and collaborative storytelling. The imagination of the group gives way to a story path one couldn’t have expected from the beginning, and yet with gentle guidance the narrative becomes fertile ground for lessons in caring for each other and for the world.
Daily documentation
At Art of Montessori, teachers will record and photograph your child’s experiences each day. We will display your child’s documentations throughout the school and will send you photographs of them and their work as the day allows. Our social media outlets will be occasionally updated with your child’s work as they complete and create masterpieces throughout the school year.
Toileting & Diapering will take place as needed, as well as during transition times throughout the day.