Our Philosophy

What is a Reggio-Inspired Montessori school?


Children are capable of constructing their own learning.

Anyone who has been around children knows they are driven by their interest to understand and gain more knowledge and experience than they have words to express. Children form an understanding of themselves and their place in the world through their interactions with others. At Art of Montessori, children search out the knowledge through their own investigations in an environment specially prepared to encourage curiosity, problem solving, and higher-order thinking.

Respect for the child and the world

Respect for the child is the cornerstone on which all other Montessori principles rest. As Montessori said, “let us allow the life of the child to freely develop within the limits of the good, and let us observe this inner life developing and celebrate. This is the whole of our mission” (Dr. Montessori’s Own Handbook). This value of mutual respect and collaboration is the foundation of everything we do at Art of Montessori. Our focus is always on treating your child with kindness, guiding them to see the value in themselves and the amazing potential they have to offer the world.

Multi Age Classrooms

At Art of Montessori, teachers do not directly teach academics and instead focus on collaborative learning. Our multi-age classrooms (18 months- 36months and 3-6 year spans) encourage a community where children glean from their peers, and every child present is an equal participant with valuable thoughts and questions. This is fertile ground for acquiring the tools necessary to live in harmony with oneself, others, and the natural environment.



Children are communicators

Communication is a crucial skill needed when becoming independent. Your child will learn to use communication to ask questions, make discoveries, and find creativity in language. Through the Montessori curriculum, your child will learn to find delight in communication through play with sounds, rhythm, and stories. Your child is encouraged to use language to explore and sort out the world around them, and at Art of Montessori, this process is treated with respect. We believe that your child’s questions and observations are an opportunity to make discoveries together, creating a learning process that is catered to your child.

The prepared environment is the third teacher

Our Montessori environment is filled with light, order, and beauty to inspire creativity in your child. Each area of our preschool is ever-evolving to encourage children to revisit activities and delve deeper into higher-order thinking. Emphasis is placed on sensory exploration with manipulative materials that support the learning experience. A “control of error” is built into the materials which allow your child to have independence when completing activities.This prevents teachers from interrupting your child’s natural learning process and fosters confidence and individuality. Children are free to explore materials of their own choosing within set boundaries, teaching them the attribute of perseverance through independent problem-solving.

An emphasis on documenting children’s thoughts 

True to Reggio-inspired Montessori philosophy, you’ll notice an emphasis on recording your child’s discoveries in our preschool. We carefully observe and then display your child’s learning progression, making their thoughts visible through photographs, transcripts of discovery, and visual presentations. Displayed throughout the school, your child’s work will become a part of the winsome aesthetic for all to enjoy.